Robert Kirkman and Image Comics' fan-favorite comic book series, The Walking Dead, follows Rick Grimes, a small-town police officer from Cynthiana, Kentucky, his family, and a number of other survivors who have banded together in order to survive after the world is overrun with zombies.
"In a world where the dead walk, the living must fight to survive, and humanity’s true monsters are the ones still breathing."
fans of post-apocalyptic survival & suspenseful storytelling
Black & White, Full Color
Cover Art
Standard & 1:10
Release Date
October 8, 2013
Eisner Award Winner
Robert Kirkman and Image Comics' fan-favorite comic book series, The Walking Dead, follows Rick Grimes, a small-town police officer from Cynthiana, Kentucky, his family, and a number of other survivors who have banded together in order to survive after the world is overrun with zombies.
"In a world where the dead walk, the living must fight to survive, and humanity’s true monsters are the ones still breathing."